CrosspointNW - Portland - News
We are open! Please observe social distancing best practices and obey the posted signs for everyones safety. We are operating with a new schedule that is posted here
UPDATED PAYMENT POLICY Customers must pay same day with check or flooring. Cross Point will no longer hold checks for titles and payment will be deposited same day.
Auction Schedule
- Dates: Wednesday every week!
- 9:00 AM: Claim to Fame Breakfast™
- 8:30 AM: Non-Ops & Oversized
- 10:00 AM: 8 lanes begin
- Preview for Non-Ops & Oversized Units is at our off-site location one block up from the auction.
Sales Staff
- Greg Abell - General Manager
- Garrett Smith - Online Sales Manager
- Jeff Vawter - Dealer Sales
- Joel Kaminskas - Dealer Sales
- Norm Bass - Dealer Sales
- Nick Smit - Dealer Sales